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how to cope with stress college

how to cope with stress college

- that's such a weighted question. - [voiceover] most ofa person's young life revolves around school, waking up every day at the crack of dawn, carrying an ungodly amount of books, and working towards good grades that will theoretically help them get into a good college and a good job. students are constantly asking,

"do good grades actually matter? "is my life predetermined bythe grades i get in school?" - i think they matter in a sense, but i don't think people should be obsessed with them and think that they measure intelligence. - i should have done better in school. probably would have madethings a lot easier. - ok, i think i guesshigh school grades matter

because they get you into college. college grades don't matter. - [voiceover] a 2013 nprpoll found that nearly 40% of parents believed their high schooler feels high levels ofschool related stress. some symptoms of grade anxiety might be increased heart rate, sweating, and decreased appetite. being a kid should be fun, right?

the national institute of mental health reports that anxiety inchildren and young adults has been increasing since the 1950's. according to some researchers the increase in standardized testing may contribute to this. the sat is the subject of millions of high schooler's little malleable minds, always there over their heads

like some sort of dark cloud filled with math. you know what i mean. this also begs the question, do standardized teststruly measure intelligence? - oh god, no. load of bs. - like the thing is, i consider myself apretty intelligent dude,

and i just got an averagescore on the sats, so i think there's somethingwrong with the sat. - the sat's bad becauseit measures how well you can take a test rather than how muchintelligence you actually have. - [voiceover] one school of thought is that these tests are unable to account for important areas,like critical thinking, collaboration, and imagination.

will memorizing vocabulary entitle you to a better future? according to a survey by the national associationof colleges and employers, 78.3% of employers claim to screen future employees by gpa. however, 63.5% of employers only use a 3.0 as a gpacutoff for employment. so, pushing yourself to be above average

may not mean much in the long run. there's also the worry that schools are formulating theircurriculums around the test. this is believed to be aresult of incentive systems put in place by thedepartment of education that rewards schoolswith higher test scores. a proposal by new yorkgovernor andrew cuomo would have 50% of a teacher's evaluation correlate to the resultof their student's scores.

education should be fluid and expressive, tailored to student's needs and wants, not based around a system of points. what if you just want to paint some stuff or write some stuff? so, do grades matter? yes and no. if you're looking to pursuea path of higher education, then yeah, they do matter.

but don't stress about grades. everyone's path is different, and chances are you won't even remember your sat score in five years. whatever you focus on, just try to the best of your ability, whatever that may be. the amount of effortyou put into something will always say more thana letter on a report card.

("remember (nostalgia machine)")

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