what's up guys, thanks for stopping by. in this video we're going to talk about anxiety. recently there have been a lot of teenagersand students who struggle with anxiety and stress. between the ages of 13-25 you go through a lot ofdifferent experiences. some of them are good and some of them arebad. and those bad ones can really cause some anxiety. because you're just busy with finding yourselfand finding your place in this world. going through these experiences often feelsvery overwhelming. and it causes a lot of stress, because youdon't always know what you can expect, right?
so sometimes you just want to pauze time andstop the world from spinning, to deal with these situations. but you cant. or maybe you can... in this video i'm going to tell you exactlyhow you can stop the world from spinning in your mind. stress & anxiety are the result of overthinking. yes, something bad might've happened, butour overthinking makes the problem seem bigger than it actually is.
so you need to get out of your mind and backto the present moment. and how do you do that, you might wonder? use grounding techniques. grounding techniques make us aware of ourbodily sensations and also makes us aware of the present moment. it'll stop your overthinking because, youonly start to focus on the present moment and not what's happening in 5 minutes or in 10minutes. and i'm going to share with you 3 groundingtechniques that'll make you control your anxiety and stress in these stressful enviroments& situations.
so the first technique that iĆ¢€™m going totalk about is the 54321 technique. this technique is very easy to use, becauseit's very straightforward. so according to this technique, when you'refeeling anxious or stressful you should name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel,3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell & 1 thing that you can taste. using this technique will make you becomeaware of the present moment, to make you become aware of your senses. and you stop the overthinking that's goingon in your head, because you're so focused on what's happening right now.
i encourage you to try this technique eventhough you might be a little bit sceptical at first, you've got nothing to lose anyway! and it's a very useful technique, becauseyou can use it in almost any situation. we all have our own pace of breathing, howeverwhen we're feeling stressed out & anxious our whole body starts to tense up and ourbreathing becomes unusually fast. and this kind of breathing only reinforcesthe anxiety and stress. so what you need to do; is you need to be ableto control your breathing. so what i always do is i take deep and fullbreaths. i breathe in through my nose and i exhalethrough my mouth.
make sure that the exhale takes longer thanthe inhale. being able to regulate your breathing is veryimportant, because deep breathing signals the body to relax and it puts your mind intoa peaceful state. we all struggle with self-confidence, thiscan cause a lot of fear and anxiety. we often pretend as if we're more confidentthan we actually are, because we're afraid that people are going to judge us in someway or another. that's why we could make use of reaffirmingstatements. a reaffirming statement could be somethinglike: 'i'm really capable of dealing with stressful situations'.
a reaffirming statement will boost your positivitylevels. how, you might wonder? well, a reaffirming statement will turn intoa self-fulfilling prophecy; what you think of will become your reality. so for example: if you always think that you'recapable of dealing with stressful situations then this will become your reality. you'll act like it. so that's why i recommend to you to try outthis technique and to see for yourself how it will work out for you.
in sum, there are many more grounding techniques. these three were just a tip of the iceberg. for example, some grounding techniques involvesmiling and others involve meditation. though, i would understand your concerns aboutthe simplicity of these strategies. however, you should keep in mind that thesestrategies aren't part of some 'trend'. their effectiveness have been proven overtime. so that's why i suggest that you should tryit for yourself and see for yourself how it will work out for you. with that said, i want to thank you all forwatching.
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